Just Play

Driving Holiday Toy Sales

BSM Media and Mom Select Social Spotter Influencers teamed up with top leading children’s brand-Just Play to share their favorite toys during the holiday season.   Over the course of 6 months, BSM Media engaged 450 unique mom influencers to purchase Just Play toys at selected retailers and then post the toys in-use at home. These campaigns garnered 48.5 million+ impressions across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Top Accomplishments: 

  • Campaigns were proven to increase both retailer and brand awareness at BJ’s Wholesale, Walmart, Target & Amazon both online and in-store.
  • Social impressions exceeded client KPIs by 170% and social shares by 30%.
  • Social engagement exceeded both the client KPI and industry average.
  • 2,100+ engaging content for the client to repurpose
  • Client

    Just Play

  • Program

    Social Spotters

  • Target Audience

    Mom Influencers