What We Know

5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making with Influencers

5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making with Influencers

It’s been almost a decade since the word, “influencer” moved from being used as a verb to a job title. With an estimated spend of $21 billion globally on influencer marketing, it’s surprising to see brands still making common mistakes that limit the effectiveness of this marketing tactic. Here’s a list of the most common…

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Mother's Day

Why Dads Are the Wrong Target for Mother’s Day Marketing Campaigns

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, marketers are ramping up their efforts to cash in on the $35.7 billion (National Retail Federation) spending occasion. For many however, dads will be the focus of digital ads, television commercials, and emails all ignoring the largest group of Mother’s Day consumer- Moms. Eighty percent of mothers in…

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Meet The Gen Z Mom

Meet The Gen Z Mom

Meet the Gen Z Mom. Yes, that is right, the oldest of the Gen Z cohort are now becoming moms. While many companies are still focused on Marketing to the Millennial Mom, it is time to turn the attention to a distinctly different generation of mothers. Impacted by Covid, student loan debt, and a turbulent…

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