5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making with Influencers

5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making with Influencers

It’s been almost a decade since the word, “influencer” moved from being used as a verb to a job title. With an estimated spend of $21 billion globally on influencer marketing, it’s surprising to see brands still making common mistakes that limit the effectiveness of this marketing tactic. Here’s a list of the most common…

Meet The Gen Z Mom

Meet The Gen Z Mom

Meet the Gen Z Mom. Yes, that is right, the oldest of the Gen Z cohort are now becoming moms. While many companies are still focused on Marketing to the Millennial Mom, it is time to turn the attention to a distinctly different generation of mothers. Impacted by Covid, student loan debt, and a turbulent…

The Secrets to Going Viral with Mom Content

The Secrets to Going Viral with Mom Content

While you can never plan for content to go viral, you can set yourself and your brand up for it to be more likely to happen. Millions of Mom Content Creators upload videos, blogs and clips to social media touting products to other moms each day, so what’s the secret of those sponsored posts that…

Maria Bailey at Toy Fair New York

How ChatGPT Could Change the Toy Industry

In less than 4 months, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has created a stir among teachers, business owners and tech enthusiasts. In the simplest form, ChatGPT is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand customer questions and automate responses to them, simulating human conversation. Why the fuss? ChatGPT can produce a…